Best money making google adsense alternatives

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Google AdSense is the current leader in content based marketing ads.The below are the alternatives to the google adsense for making money online.

1. AdBrite
AdBrite, is currently one of the best alternatives there is to Google’s adsense.
adBrite is the largest independent ad exchange offering an entirely transparent marketplace, direct access to superior campaign data and analytics and ultimately, greater control over what matters most – results.
Revenue is typically split 75/25 in your favor.
2. Bidvertiser
“Make money from your Website or Blog – get paid for clicks and conversions!”
Simply display the BidVertiser ads on your website and let advertisers bid against each other.
Bidvertiser will always display the highest bidders to maximize your revenue so you will make more money!
3. Chitika
Chitika allows you to display ads on your website, blog, app or mobile site, with content from our high-quality network of advertisers. Chitika offers search-targeted, mobile, and local ads to best target your users. Become a publisher today and bring your revenue to whole new level with Chitika.
You can use Chitika Ads with AdSense because Chitika Ads are non-contextual and do not look like AdSense units.
4. Infolinks
A relative newcomer to the scene Infolinks specializes in In-Text Advertizing. That is it indexes your page looking for keywords and phrases that are not currently links and converts them into advertizing links. When a user places their mouse over the link a box opens up showing the ad. If they click on the link you get paid. It is very simple and works very effectively. The nice part is that you can use Infolinks to compliment an existing advertizing campaign on your website. For example you can show banner ads with AdBrite or Bidvertiser and show text links with Infolinks. Or you can even show text links with both AdBrite and Infolinks together on the same page to maximize your revenue.
5. Pocket Cents
A relative new comer to the field is Pocket Cents. Pocket Cents has been built from the ground up as a Click Banner provider. Specializing in automatic focus on local markets Pocket Cents offers an intriguing alternative to adsense/adwords. While unlikely to replace your entire creative portfolio, Pocket Cents does off an attractive alternative for banner ads. It could also act as a good alternative ad provider for backfill from one of the larger networks.


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