5 Satisfactory Alternatives to Google Adsense

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Google Adsense, the most reliable Ad Network from Google which is considered as best and trusted source of income by many Webmasters around the world. It’s very hard to imagine the life without Google Adsense. But, we are desperate as we can’t afford to run our blog/website without income. As a result, I have framed out 5 Best Google Adsense Alternative Ad Networks which may not replace its position but can come handy.
Google’s terms and conditions were pretty strict, as entire web world is in the hands of Google it is highly impossible to hide mischievous activities that we perform on our blog with reference to Google Adsense like invalid clicks and other prohibited activities as well as other activities that which were beyond their control. Hence these kind of overcautious and greed of making money easily via adsense will lead to Banning of your account which desperately leads in search of other Ad networks.
But, according to me Google Adsense is the most genuine Ad network that which is having tremendous track record. While the alternatives of the Adsense were simply useless, in which few attract us initially with their high payments but their performance gets degraded as time goes on, few others were just crap as they never pay you, while few other networks will ban your account for no reason just before the day you expect to receive the payment. So, I strictly recommend to use Genuine Google Adsense and stay patient rather than messing up your blog/website with Google adsense alternative ad networks, of-course you may not do anything if your account is banned as per the famous quote “Something is Better Than Nothing“.
5 Best Google Adsense Alternative Ad-Networks
  1. Buy Sell Ads
  2. Technorati Ad Media
  3. Microsoft Advertising Pub-Center
  4. Chitika
  5. IDG Tech Network
#1. Buy Sell Ads :
  • BuySellAds is one of the best Google Adsense Alternative. Though it wont pay you like Google Adsense based on CTR and eCPM, but it highly rely on the performace of your website/blog on various aspects like Page Rank, Alexa Rank, Yahoo Inbound Links, Impressions etc.
  • You will earn $$ only when the Advertiser buys the Ad slot on your blog and Min payout will be $50.
  • So switch to BuySellAd Network and apply for approval as you need to pass few elements inorder to get approved. <Site Link>
buysellads 550x360 5 Satisfactory Alternatives to Google Adsense
#2. Technorati Ad Media
  • Technorati is one of the best Google Adsense Alternative and it is the Ad Network that is based on CPM ratings of the websites/blogs.
  • I have been using Technorati Ad Media over past few months and I’m really loving the services. I can suggest the Webmasters to use Technorati Ad Media for their websites/blogs without any hesitation as it can fetch more $$ for High Traffic blogs when compared to Google Adsense. <Site Link>
Technorati Media 5 Satisfactory Alternatives to Google Adsense
#3. Microsoft Advertising Pub-Center
  • Microsoft Adverising Pub Center is yet be completing its beta version as it is currently providing 100% functionality enabling you to control the ads that apear on your website/blog by sorting the keywords or URLS.
  • It is considered as one of the best Google Adsense Alternative with Microsoft’s Mark. Few of my friends who were using Microsoft Adverising Pub Center, suggested me to switch to it leaving Google Adsense which I haven’t tried yet, but I believe that Microsoft Adverising Pub Center has got some great meat in it as Google Adsense posses.<Site Link>
microsoft pubcenter 5 Satisfactory Alternatives to Google Adsense
#4. Chitika
  • Chitika is one of the most eligible Adsense Alternative when compared to Infolinks, Adbrite, Bidvertiser, Kontera. It is a CPC Ad network as it creates a perfect platform to bag $$. It also facilitates you to ad the ads for your RSS like Adsense. <Site Link>
chitika 5 Satisfactory Alternatives to Google Adsense

#5. IDG Tech Network
  • Its one of the most experienced Ad Network with 45 year existence in this field and is said to be one of the eligible Adsense Alternative.
  • IDG Tech Network offers various type of ad formats like Video Ads, Image overlay Ads, Text Ads, Banner Ads which works on basis of CPM ratings as they consider US, UK and Canada traffic.
  • Its one of the best Ad-network that which we are about to use within few days. <Site Link>
IDG Tech network 5 Satisfactory Alternatives to Google Adsense

Thus these 5 Ad-Networks were considered as Best Google Adsense Alternative Ad-Networks which are having definite potentiality to replace Google Adsense.


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